Senin, 05 Juni 2017



A. pengertian

Advertisement ( iklan) is a text that has the objective to announce a something that appeals to many people and that adds a well known product in all public.
Iklan bias berupa tulisan pendek ,gambar maupun film pendek, iklan bisa dibuat untuk mempromosikan barang untuk dijual, jasa, lowongan kerja, rumah, dan lain-lain. iklan biasanya di pasang di spanduk, televise, radio, surat kabar, maupun media massa.

B. Purpose of advertisement
The purpose of the advertisement is to announce/advert about a case or a public, or in other words to introduce a product to the public in order to buy and attracted to the product being advertisement.
C. Tujuan periklanan secara umum digolongkan menjadi 3 yaitu:
  • Informative Advertising ( periklanan informative), digunakan pada saat suatu kategori produk yang baru mulai diperkenalkan, tujuannya adalah membangun permintaan awal.
  • Persuasive Advertising ( periklanan persuatif), digunakan untuk membangun permintaan selektif akan suatu merek dengan cara menyakinkan konsumen bahwa merek tersebut adalah merek terbaik di kelasnya.
  • Reminder Advertising ( iklan pengingat), di gunakan untuk menjaga agar konsumen tetap mengingat suatu produk.
D. Fungsi iklan
  1. Memberikan informasi
  2. Membujuk atau mempengaruhi
  3. Menciptakan kesan tertentu
  4. Memuaskan keinginan
  5. Alat komunikasi
E. Structure of advertisement

  • Title      : Bagian dari advertisement yang merupakan topic utama/judul, contoh Diskon sepatu 30%.
  • Explanation : berisi mengenai penjelasan dari iklan tersebut

Contoh Advertisement:



A. Pengertian
   Ada beberapa pengertian dari notice yaitu:
  • Informasi yang memberitahu atau memperingatkan tentang sesuatu yang akan terjadi
  • sebuah pernyataan mengatakan seseorang bahwa perjanjian, pekerjaan, dll, akan segera berakhir
  • perhatian yang diberikan orang kepada seseorang atau sesuatu.
Dari beberapa pengertian di atas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa notice adalah pemberitahuan / peringatan yang berupa tulisan / gambar/ tanda untuk memberi informasi , instruksi atau peringatan kepada public.

B. Tujuan
  1. Untuk memberi petunjuk
  2. Untuk memberi arahan
  3. Untuk memberikan peringatan agar hati-hati.
C. Bentuk Notice
  1. Kalimat perintah. Contoh: keep the grass ( pelihara rumput itu), please check your bag before you leave this room( dimohon cek kembali tas anda sebelum meninggalkan ruangan ini), turn off sellurar phone ( matikan hp).
  2. Kalimat Larangan . Contoh : Don't swimming (Dilarang berenang), don't smoking ( dilarang merokok), don't disturb( jangan diganggu).
  3. Berbentuk Rambu-rambu. Contoh: Turn left (belok kiri), stop (berhenti), turn right (belok kanan).

Contoh notice di sekolah

Contoh notice di rumah sakit
Contoh notice di laboratorium
Contoh notice di tempat umum

contoh notice di Bandara



Identify the memo


To                 : Warehouse employees
From            : Maria Longo, Human Resources Manager
CC                : Vince LaPlante, Warehouse Manager
Date              : June 6, 2017
Re                 : Vacation request
Please note that there has been a change to the vacation policy. Employees wishing to take vacation days during the summer months of july and August must submit request forms by june 18. Employees who do not submit their requests in writing will not be permitted to take vacation until September.
Thank you for your cooperation

                                                                                                                   Maria Longo


Memorandum ( also more commonly memo) is a brief written record of communication, used in office, whether business, government, education institution or legal office. The usual structure for a memo includes some or all of the following:


TO            : the person or group receiving the memo ( recipient)

FROM      : the person writing the memo ( sender)

CC            : (Carbon Copy) the person or group who should be informed about the memo

DATE       : usually a formal manner of writing the date

SUBJECT : a short specific topic discussed in the memo. This should be in bold.

Introduction: explains why the memo has been written and what topic will discuss. You can star your idea of this introduction by responding this this sentence," I'm writing because.." When the memo is long, the introduction is an a single paragraph as an executive summary of the memo itself.

Body       : discusses the topic in detail. It explains a thing exactly and list items when possible. in a long memo, the body contains discussion of background information. You can use this phrase " the facs are..." to develop the body part a memo.

Conclusion : explains what will or should happen next, when the follow up will occur and why the date is important. In most memos, the conclusion is in form of actions. The main idea of this part is that " I will" or "I propose that you..."

Expressing Suggestion and Advice

expressing Suggestions and Advice

Berikut adalah beberapa frase dan contoh kalimat yang bisa digunakan memberikan saran ( suggestion )dan nasehat( advice).

A. Suggestion (saran)

  1. Would you be so kind enough + to + verb
           contoh kalimat :
  • Would you be so kind enough to go with we?
  • Would you be so kind enough to help me?
      2. I would be very grateful if you would...
           contoh kalimat:
  • I would be very grateful if you would come to my party
  • I would be very grateful if you would help me to finish this task.
  • I would be grateful if you would be here.
      3. How/what about + Gerund (verb + ing)..
         contoh kalimat:
  • How about dancing?
  • How about watching TV?
     4. Suppose
       contoh kalimat :
  • Suppose you agree with my idea.
  • Suppose you can leave now.
     5. Perhaps you would

         contoh kalimat:
  • Perhaps you would accept my proposal.
  • Perhaps you would have a dinner with me.

B. Advice ( Nasehat)
  1. Menggunakan modal auxiliaries "Must, Ought to, and Should"
          contoh kalimat:
  • You must take care of yourself carefully!
  • You ought to write a letter to me not to her.
  • You should study hard.
     2. If I were you I should + verb

       contoh kalimat:
  • If I were you I should work at the hospital.
  •  If I were you I should take English course.
     3. You had better + verb
       contoh kalimat:
  • You had better brush you teeth.
  • You had better refuse this job.
     4. Why don't you + verb...

      contoh kalimat:
  • Why don't you sit down beside me?
  • Why don't you go home now?
     5. It's time you + verb 2 ( past form)

       contog kalimat :
  • It's time you said the truth.
  • It's time you stopped smoking
A. Asking
  1. What do you recommend we do about..?
  2. What would you advice us to do?
  3. Do you have any suggestions?
  4. What would you do about...?
  5. Why don't you...
B. Giving
  1. I would recommend that you..
  2. My advice would be to...
  3. May I suggest that we...
  4. If I were you, I would...
  5. I advice you to...
  6. Perhaps you could...
  7. If I were you, I would...
  8. I advice you to..
  9. I suggest you to...
  10. You had better..
C. Accepting advice
  • Yes, I agree with that.
  • That sounds like a good idea!
  • Ok, why don't we do that.
  • That's very interesting.
  • Thank you for your advice
  • That would be nice
  • I would rather not, if you don't mind
  • that seems all night
D. Rejecting advice
  • I'm sorry, I can't agree with that
  • I don't think that's a good idea.
  • I don't think we sould do that.
  • That very interesting, but...

Expressing Necessity and Obligation

Expressing Necessity and Obligation

Some expressions commonly used to express obligations are as follows:
  • I must try it again
  • Do you have to go now? yes, I do
  • I have to keep it
  • You have to come on time
  • It is necessary for us to be there,
but if you think it is not a necessary think, you can say:
  • You don't have to go now
  • He doesn't have to do it
  • You don't need to go to school because it's a holiday
  • It is not necessary for us to go now
a. Positive Obligations
  1.  S + must + verb
          Example : I must save my money

     2. S + have/has to+ verb

          Example: -You have to come on time
                          - He has to meet the manager at 7 a.m
     3. S+ need to + verb
         Example : - I need to visit the landslide victims
                          - He needs to look at the map.
b. Negative Obligation
  1.         S + must not + verb
      Example : You must not smoke here

c. No Obligation
  1. S+don't have+ verb
       Example: You don't have to go to school because it's a holiday.

     2.S+ don't need to +verb
       Example : You don't need to do it.

Dalam belajar Bahasa inggris, kita sering sekali bertemu dengan Modal ( kata bantu) dalam kalimat tulisan atau percakapan Bahasa inggris. Apa arti "must" dan "have to" dalam Bahasa inggris? Apa pula perbedaan antara keduanya? Berikut adalah penjelasan dan penggunaan must dan have to di sertai dengan contohnya.
Sering kali kita mengungkapkan sebuah keharusan dalam kehidupan sehari - hari. Dalam  Bahasa inggris, "harus" bisa diungkapkan atau ditulis dengan kata MUST dan HAVE TO, contohnya:
  • I must study hard= saya harus belajar giat
  • The men have to paint the house = orang itu harus mengecat rumah
Dua kalimat diatas sama- sama mempunyai makna keharusan terhadap melakukan sesuatu. Dalam Bahasa inggris keharusan ini dinamakan obligation, responsibility, or necessity.
Pemakain MUST dan HAVE TO seperti 2 kalimat diatas adalah berlaku/ saling mengganti untuk satu dengan yang lainnya. Keduanya memiliki penggunaan yang sama dalam konteks kalimat positif atau berita. Sedangkan untuk jenis kalimat negative MUST NOT dan DO NOT HAVE TO mempunyai arti yang sangat berbeda.
perbedaan & persamaan Must dan Have to

MUST= Harus (Obligation)
kata must digunakan ketika ingin mengungkapkan bahwa sesuatu itu harus dilakukan dan hanya bias dipakai untuk PRESENT ( saat sekarang) dan FUTURE ( masa yang akan dating). Kata must yang diartikan "harus" tidak bisa digunakan dalam PAST (waktu lampau).
Beberapa kalimat berikut bisa dijadikan bahan pemahaman:
  • I must study now
  • I must call my mother tomorrow
Pada kalimat pertama.Must digunakan untuk masa sekarang, saat berbicara. Klaimat ke 2 Must digunakan untuk mengungkapkan keharusan yang perlu dilakukan besok (masa yang akan dating). Sekali lagi kata Must tidak bisa digunakan untuk mengungkapkan keharusan yang telah terjadi(past).
Kata must yang berarti "harus" ini bersifat subjective, artinya sifat keharusannya itu lebih didorong karena keinginan sendiri bukan karena factor pihak lain.

HAVE TO = Perlu (necessity)
Kata Have to digunakan dalam Bahasa inggris ketika kita ingin mengungkapkan atau menulis perlunya melakukan sesuatu. Pemaknaan "perlu" dan "harus" memang tidak berbeda banyak. Kata Have to lebih dimaknai sebagai perlunya melakukan sesuatu tersebut karena desakan atau pengaruh pihak lain diluar pembicaraan dan penulis. Mari kita lihat contoh berikut ini:
  • I love English. I must speak English ( harus karena keinginan sendiri)
  • I buid my career in this company. I have to speak English (perlu karena ada dorongan factor luar)
Kata Have to bisa digunakan untuk mengungkapkan perlunya sesuatu itu dilakukan diwaktu sekarang, besok atau kemarin, contohnya:
  • We have to go now
  • They will have to arrive early
  • I have to buy that trousers
Kata Have to dianggap sebagai kata kerja biasa ( verb) bukan modal atau kata bantu. Maka ketika kita merubahnya dalam kalimat negative dan interrogative kita perlu bantuan "auxiliary verb" seperti DO, DOES, atau DID. Kita lihat contoh berikut:
  • Do we have to go now?
  • The man does not have to go early
  • I did not have to buy that trousers
MUST NOT=Larangan ( prohibition)
Membentuk kalimat negative dari kata must sangat di perbolehkan namun mempunyai arti yang sangat berbeda dengan kalimat positifnya. Kata must artinya "harus" tetapi kata must nit punya arti di "larang" bukan "tidak harus". Untuk lebih jelasnya, mari lihat beberapa kalimat berikut!
  • I must help you
  • I must not help you
  • I do not have to help you

persuading and convincing

Persuading and Convincing

Ungkapan- ungkapan untuk menyakinkan dan membujuk orang lain ( Convincing and Persuading) agar menerima pendapat atau usulan yang diajukan.
  • Persuading
Learn some expessions to show persuasions.
- If I ware you, I would just stay at home.
- I think you ought to....
-You'd better....
- It might be a bad idea if....
- You should...
- My advice would be to....
- I would ...if I were in your pasition.
  • Convincing Others
Learn some expressions to convince others.
- I assure you, I can do the job well.
- I convince you, i'm the right person to do job
- I believe I am the only person who can finish this job on the time.
- I assure you, we can make it real...

Dialog Persuading and convincing

Mira  : Are you busy right now.     
Mhita : Nope. What's the matter.
Mira  :Can you take me shopping right now? I need to busy some wedding party.
Mhita: Sure
Mira  : Do you have any idea where to buy a nice dress?
Mhita: You should go to Barbara boutique. It is far from here. They have huge collection of dress over there
Mira  : Sure, why not. But first, I have to go to bank to withdraw some   some money.
Mhita :  Yeah, of course. I ensure you that you will find your perfect  dress there.

Expressions Of Convincing and Persuading people
The verbs 'convince' and 'persuade' are very similar in meaning, but there is a difference in how we use them.
After 'persuade' we use the structure
to + infinitive"
- I persuaded them to stay for another drink.
- He persuaded her not to take the job.

After 'convince' we cannot use a verb infinitive. We say 'convince someone that'.
- She convinced the police that she was telling the truth.
- He convinced her that it was the right thing to do.
- Both of the above sentence would also be correct without 'that'.
- She convinced the police she was telling the truth.
- He convinced her it was the right thing to do.

Describing a Process or Procedural

Describing a Process or Procedures

Describing a process or Procedures means writing about how something is made or how something happens. Examples: the rainwater cycle, how coffee is grown, how glass is made, getting a driving  license, starting a business.
when to explain the step by step order of how things happen or how things get done, you are describing a process- how to get a visa, how to make coffee.
Make a rough list of the steps in the right order
Start with an introductory sentence or two about the process- how important it is, how simple it is, etc.
  • In this assay, I will describe how paper is made.
  • I will now explain how a photocopier works.
  • Building a rood is a long process, but it can be divided into four main stages.
Use sequence words- first, next, after that, before, then, finally.
  • The first stage in making glass is... In this stage, the sand is cleaned and that...In the final stage, the glass is....
Finish with a concluding sentence or two.
  • As you can see, paper manufacture is a difficult process. If you follow the steps described them you will be successful.
  • As I have described, there are many steps involved in supplying water to a city. By using the step by step.
Example: How to make roof using sketchup
Sketchup is one of the software that has function in 3 dimensional model graphic design that is used and designed for professionals in civil and architecture.
The roof is the top cover a building that protects the inside the building from rain or snow. The shape of the roof is flat and there is a slaut, although flast should be thought to drain the water to fall.
The purpose of drawing a roof with sketchup is to speed up the manufacture and also easier to use than on manual drawing.
Material: - computer with sketchup application
                - Mouse
  1. turn on the computer. Make sure your computer or CPU is wired. After that turn on the CPU and wait a few minutes.
  2. double click on the sketchup application. After the computer turn on, refresh first. Then double click the sketchup application.
  3. Click rectangle to create a roofing pad. Make the size of the roof in accordance with the siz of your home.
  4. After that make tile. Make roof tiles with length of 10 cm and width 5 cm. After being made to size rotate tile with a 38 degree slope. After that move the tile to the roof top. was in according
  5. Push the roof pedertal and also the tile using the command follow me to form a roof.
  6. Giving color. After the shape of the roof give to color to beautify the roof was in accordance with the desired roof covering.